Kekenyangan di GyudaQ Japanese BBQ

Category: Icip-icip Kuliner • Author: Terry Endropoetro • Published on: 2019-07-04

Kalau jalan-jalan ke Purwokerto, biasanya kuliner khas yang dicicipi adalah mendoan, gethuk, sroto, sate, atau bakso. Nah, kali ini boleh juga mencoba makan ala Jepang-Jepangan. Tinggal siapkan perut saja!

GyudaQ adalah resto Japanese Barbeque pertama di Purwokerto. Dalam bahasa Jepang, GyudaQ berarti (daging) sapi. Tapi jangan khawatir, dengan konsep resto all you can eat, GyudaQ tidak hanya menyajikan hidangan berbahan daging sapi, tapi juga daging ayam, ikan, dan cumi-cumi. Selain itu masih banyak pilihan makanan lain dalam paket 3 menu yang ditawarkan.

Standart Buffet

Kamu bisa ambil semua yang dihidangkan. Sayuran, sate-satean, semua furray (fried atau gorengan), dessert, dan buah. Yang tidak disajikan tapi bisa dipesan adalah sushi standart, chicken fillet, chicken wings, yang tidak dihidangkan, tapi bisa langsung dipesan melalui pramusaji.


GyudaQ sauce, sayu garlic, sesame sauce, dan hot spring sauce.

Regular Buffet

Standart Buffet plus bisa memesaan sirloin, semua jenis seafood, sushi regular, ramen, chawan musi, dan gyudon.


Chlorofil sauce, katsuo sauce, tomyum sauce.

Premium Buffet

Reguler Buffet plus bisa menikmati premium beef platter, udon, beef sushi, salmon sushi, chicken ramen, dan salmon ramen.


Chlorofil Sauce, Katsuo Sauce, Tom Yum Sauce.

Saya pilih yang Standart Buffet saja. Tampaknya sesuai kapasitas perut dan isi dompet. Sayuran, potongan daging, olahan seafood, mi dan bihun juga tersedia. Bisa langsung ambil sendiri sesuai selera dan dibawa ke meja. Di meja sudah ada alat pemanggang ala yakiniku dan panci besar untuk shabu-shabu.

Masalah timbul ketika saya harus mengambil saus. Ada banyak saus yang diletakkan dalam stoples dan mangkuk-mangkuk, tapi tidak satupun diberi tulisan atau petunjuk saus apa, yang mana, dan untuk apa. Bingung jadinya.

Beberapa mimunan yang sudah termasuk dalam paket menu pun bebas dipilih. Dari air mineral, jus buah, es teh, es teh susu, hingga minum ringan dalam kaleng. Yang malah tak saya temukan di GyudaQ adalah matcha Padahal biasanya teh hijau hangat ini selalu tersedia di resto ala Jepang, untuk menetralisir lemak dari daging-daging yang sudah disantap.

Saya yang mulanya bolak-balik ingin ambil ini-itu, sempat beberapa kali tersandung kaki kursi. Ruangan resto ini sebenarnya cukup luas, namun ketika makin banyak pengunjung, suasana pun menjadi sedikit riuh. Untuk berpapasan di antara meja pun, kami harus saling menunggu. Puncak kehebohan adalah ketika berjalan di antara meja, saya menyenggol tutup panci kaca yang diletakkan di bagian pinggir. Duh, untuk tidak pecah. Kalau pecah tentunya ada biaya ganti rugi yang harus saya keluarkan.

Akhirnya saya memilih duduk saja bersama Relinda Puspita, Arief Pokto, dan Didik Djatmiko. Membiarkan Devy Dhe yang mengambil segala daging dan sayur. Beruntung kami duduk satu meja dengan Olipe Oile yang tak berhenti memanggang. Karena berada di ujung meja, tugas saya adalah memeriksa apakah daging yang di-cemplung-kan ke dalam panci sudah matang. Tugas selanjutnya adalah menghabiskan apa yang terhidang di meja.

Entah siapa yang memesan, ketika piring berisi 4 potong sushi diletakkan di meja, empat buah sumpit sudah langsung beraksi. Begitu juga ketika takoyaki dihidangkan. Walau tak berisi daging gurita, bola-bola tepung itu langsung disantap seketika. Gurih rasanya!

Jangan mentang-mentang bisa membayar, lalu kita boleh ambil seenaknya. Ambil sedikit-sedikit dulu, kalau kurang tinggal ambil lagi. Sama seperti beberapa resto all you can eat, GyudaQ juga memberlakukan pembatasan waktu makan dan denda.

Waktu makan di GyudaQ dibatasi 90 menit. Bila melewati batas waktu, akan dikenakan biaya tambahan Rp50.000 per 30 menit. Khusus untuk daging yang sudah diambil tapi tidak dihabiskan, akan ada denda sebesar Rp50.000 per 100 gram daging yang tersisa.

Beruntung saya dan teman-teman adalah pengunjung yang tahu diri. Semua makanan yang diambil, kami habiskan dalam waktu yang sesingkat-singkatnya ha… ha.. ha… ha… Soal seberapa kenyang, jangan ditanya! █


Jl. Kongsen No.24, Karang Bawang, Purwokerto 53141

Jam Buka: 11.00 – 23.00 wib

Harga Buffet:

Rp101.000 (Standart), Rp149.000 (Regular), Rp179.000 (Premium)

Ada potongan khusus bagi pengunjung yang berusia di bawah 12 tahun dan di atas 55 tahun. Sementara anak di bawah 3 tahun boleh makan gratis sepuasnya.


Satiety Japanese BBQ at GyudaQ

GyudaQ is the first Japanese Barbeque restaurant in Purwokerto. In Japanese, GyudaQ means beef. But don't worry, with an ‘all you can eat’ concept, GyudaQ not only serves beef dishes, but also chicken, fish and squid. Besides that there are still many other food choices in the 3 menu packages offered.

Standard Buffets

You can take everything that is served. Vegetables, satay, all furray (fried), dessert, and fruit. There are also other foods such as the standard sushi, chicken fillet, chicken wings, which are not served, but can be ordered directly through the waiter.


GyudaQ sauce, glutinous garlic, sesame sauce, and hot spring sauce.

Regular buffets

The standard buffet with the addition of rustic sirloin, all kinds of seafood, regular sushi, ramen, chawan musi, and gyudon.


Chlorofil sauce, katsuo sauce, tomyum sauce.

Premium Buffet
The regular buffet but can also be enjoyed with a premium beef platter, udon, beef sushi, salmon sushi, chicken ramen, and salmon ramen.


Chlorofil Sauce, Katsuo Sauce, Tom

I just choose Standard Buffet. It seems to fit the stomach capacity and contents of the wallet. Vegetables, cuts of meat, processed seafood, noodles and vermicelli are available. All of these can immediately be taken by yourself according to taste and brought to the table. At the table there is a yakiniku-style grill and a large pan for shabu-shabu.

A problem arises when I have to take a sauce. There are lots of sauces placed in jars and bowls, but none of them are written what they are and which food they were for. So confused.

Some drinks that are included in the menu package are free to choose. From mineral water, fruit juice, iced tea, iced milk tea, to drinking lightly in cans. What I didn't find in GyudaQ was matcha. Though usually warm green tea is always available at Japanese-style restaurants, to neutralize fat from meat that has been eaten.

I, who initially went back and forth to take this and that, had tripped over the legs chairs several times. This restaurant room is actually quite spacious, but at crowded times, the atmosphere becomes a bit noisy. Even to meet each other, we have to wait for each other. The highlight of the excitement was that when I walked between the tables, I nudged the lid of the glass pot placed on the edge. Please don’t break. If it breaks, of course there are compensation costs that I have to spend.

Finally I chose to sit with Relinda Puspita, Arief Pokto, and Didik Djatmiko. Let Devy Dhe take all meat and vegetables. Luckily we sat one table with Olipe Oile that didn't stop cooking. Because it is at the end of the table, my job is to check whether the meat dipped in the pan is cooked. The next task is to spend what is served at the table.

I don't know who ordered, when the 4-piece sushi plate was placed on the table, four chopsticks were immediately in action. Like wise when takoyaki is served. Even though it doesn't contain octopus meat, the flour balls were eaten immediately. It's delicious!

Just because you’re able to pay doesn’t mean you can take as much as you wish. Take a little of your meal beforehand, if it wasn’t enough by the time you’ve finished, just take some more. Just like many ‘all you can eat’ restaurants, GyudaQ also imposes restrictions on meals and penalties.

Meals at GyudaQ are limited to 90 minutes. When you pass the deadline, you will be charged an additional Rp 50,000 per 30 minutes. Especially for meat that has been taken but not spent, there will be a fine of IDR 50,000 per 100 grams of meat remaining.

Luckily me and my friends are visitors who know themselves. All of the food taken, we spend in the shortest amount of time ha ... ha ... ha ... How full we were by the end of the meal, don't ask! █


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