Satu Malam di Hotel Grand Karlita Purwokerto

Category: Tempat Inap • Author: Terry Endropoetro • Published on: 2019-07-03

Biasanya ketika resepsionis hotel bertanya, “Kamar dengan jendela ke arah mana?” Saya akan lama menimbang, mana yang lebih bagus, kamar dengan jendela yang menghadap ke arah kota Purwokerto, gunung, atau kolam renang.

Kali ini di Hotel Grand Karlita, saya hanya meminta diberi kamar di lantai yang paling tinggi. Menurut pengalaman, dari lantai tertinggi, apa pun pemandangan di luar jendela pasti indah dipandang. Kunci kamar berbentuk kartu bertuliskan angka 806 sudah saya pegang.

Benar saja. Sesampai di kamar, saya langsung menuju jendela tinggi dan membuka tirai. Jauh di seberang sana tampak samar puncang Gunung Slamet. Salah satu gunung di Jawa Tengah yang selalu dijadikan target pendakian. Oh, jangan salah sangka. Saya ke Purwokerto bukan dalam rangka mendaki gunung. Saya hanya mau jalan-jalan bareng teman-teman Juguran Blogger (kegiatan tahunan Blogger Banyumas mengundang beberapa blogger dari beberapa kota lain) dan makan mendoan sampai puas! Ha… ha… ha… ha…

Kamar saya menghadap ke arah Barat, sinar matahari siang yang panas menyengat langsung mengarah masuk ke dalam kamar. Itulah mengapa ketika saya masuk ke dalam kamar, tirai jendela dalam keadaan tertutup. Pendingin ruangan yang saya nyalakan pun memerlukan waktu lebih lama untuk menyejukkan suhu di dalam kamar. Kamar dengan tipe superior ini, cukup luas dengan dua tempat tidur.

Sebuah kursi di sisi meja panjang yang bisa digunakan untuk menaruh apa saja. Dalam sebuah baki sudah diletakkan kopi, teh, krim, dan gula dalam kemasan, dilengkapi dengan air mineral, cangkir, dan termos pemanas. Tak usah panik bila tak menemukan penanda arah kiblat di langit-langit, karena tandanya sudah ada di dalam salah satu laci.

Satu yang jarang saya temui di hotel-hotel lain tapi ada di kamar di Hotel Grand Karlita adalah lembar petunjuk prosedur keselamatan bila terjadi gempa bumi dan kebakaran. Mungkin dianggap hal sepele, padahal ini penting sekali.

Di dalam kamar saya juga ada lemari dinding dengan beberapa gantungan baju, di dalamnya ada sandal kamar, selembar plastik laundry lengkap dengan daftar harga. Di bagian bawah lemari, ada sebuah deposit box untuk menyimpan barang-barang berharga.

Seperti umumnya kamar mandi, sudah tersedia toiletries di dekat wastafel. Dua buah handuk tergulung rapi. Toilet duduk dengan tissue gulung dan keset handuk di bagian kaki. Untuk mandi, dalam bilik kaca, sudah tersedia shower juga shampo dan sabun mandi. Entah jenis shampoo apa yang digunakan, saya suka dengan aromanya yang wangi dan segar. Namun, saya harus lebih berhati-hati saat melangkah di lantai yang licin, karena busa shampo tampaknya tak mudah lenyap tersapu air.

Hotel Grand Karlita merupakan salah satu hotel moderen di Purwokerto yang dibangun sekitar tahun 1996 dengan nama Hotel Karlita. Hotel bintang empat ini sangat terawat baik dan masih menjadi tempat menginap untuk para wisatawan dan pengusaha. Salah satu alasannya adalah lokasi hotel yang cukup mudah dijangkau dari Stasiun Purwokerto (4,2 km) yang bisa dicapai dalam waktu 10 menit berkendara.

Untuk kamar menginap, selain tipe superior, hotel ini juga menyediakan tipe kamar standart dan deluxe. Ketiga tipe kamar ini memiliki fasilitas yang hampir sama. Dari ketika tipe kamar, tipe deluxe memiliki ruang yang yang cukup luas, karena selain tempat tidur besar juga ada sebuah sofa di dalam kamar.

Khusus untuk keluarga, Hotel Grand Karlita menyediakan tipe kamar Executive Suite. Dengan sebuah tempat tidur besar, kamar itu tampaknya masih cukup untuk ditambah 5-6 ekstra bed di lantai saking luasnya. Kamar mandinya juga lebih mewah dengan bathtub yang menghadap ke jendela. Kalau tirai jendela dibuka, akan tampak pemandangan kota Purwokerto. Wah, terbayang nikmatnya mandi berendam malam-malam sambil memandang gemerlap lampu kota.

Ini bukan tipe kamar paling besar. Masih ada President Suite, khusus untuk tamu-tamu VIP. Kamar ini memiliki ruang tamu, ruang makan, pantry, kamar mandi dan toilet. Kamar tidur utama dengan memiliki kamar mandi sendiri yang dilengkapi bathtub dan shower dalam bilik kaca, toilet, dan ruang rias. Bersebelahan dari kamar tidur utama ada kamar tidur tambahan yang biasanya digunakan untuk para ajudan tamu VIP. President Suit ini serupa rumah, kalau 20 peserta Juguran Blogger dikumpulkan jadi satu di sini dengan ekstra bed ditata di lantai pun masih ada ruang untuk berlari-larian saking luasnya.

Menyandang bintang empat, tentu saja Hotel Grand Karlita memiliki kolam renang. Satu kolam anak-anak, satu kolam dewasa dengan ukuran yang tak terlalu besar. Apakah saya perenang hebat? Tentu tidak! Saya hanya suka berendam dan ngambang-ngambang di air sekedar untuk relaksasi. Di hotel ini, kolam renang ada di lantai 3 dilengkapi dengan toilet dan kamar bilas. Beberapa kursi dan meja tersedia di pinggir kolam untuk duduk-duduk santai.

Tapi mau tahu yang bikin saya sumringah saat tiba di hotel ini? Ada dua batang cokelat produksi lokal di atas piring dan selembar ucapan selamat datang bertandatangan General Manager Hotel Grand Karlita, Jungky Junanto. Selain itu, suasana kamar yang nyaman bikin betah berlama-lama bisa duduk selonjoran di tempat tidur, cetak-cetek remote mengganti-ganti saluran acara televisi sambil menyeruput kopi. Oh, ya berbahagia juga dengan fasilitas wifi gratis, dan colokan listrik di mana-mana. Lalu ketiduran, bangun-bangun sudah pagi. █


Jl. S. Parman No. 296, Purwokerto 53141

Telepon: 0281 777 2500

Reservasi: 0822 6888 8080


Sleep Well at The Grand Karlita Hotel Purwokerto

When welcomed by the hotel receptionist with the question, "What view would you like to have from your room?" I would weigh a long time on which is better; a room with a window facing Purwokerto City, the mountains, or the swimming pool. This time, at the Grand Karlita Hotel , I only requested a room on the top floor. Speaking from experience, any view outside the window from the highest floor is sure to be beautiful. I held the room key in the form of a card with number 806 on it.

Of course, the room did not disappoint. Once in the room, I went straight to the tall window and opened the curtains. Far from where I stood, there was a faint view of Mount Slamet; one of the mountains in Central Java that has always been the target of climbing. Oh, don't get me wrong. I did not go to Purwokerto to climb mountains. I just wanted to travel around with some Juguran Blogger friends (annual activities Blogger Banyumas, invited some bloggers from several other cities) and eat mendoan until I’m satisfied! Ha ... ha ... ha ... ha ...

My room was facing west, the hot afternoon sun directly led into the room. That is why when I entered the room, the window curtains was fully closed. The air conditioner I turned on took longer to cool the temperature down in the room. This superior type room is quite spacious with two beds.

There is a chair on the side of a long table that can be used to put anything. On a tray, coffee, tea, cream, and sugar are placed in the package, equipped with mineral water, cups and heating flasks. There’s also no need to panic if you don't find the praying direction markers on the ceiling, because the sign is already in one of the drawers.

One that I rarely encounter in a hotel room, yet the Hotel Grand Karlita provides is a safety procedure guidance sheet in the event of an earthquake and fire. It might usually be considered a trivial thing, despite how important it actually is to provide.

Inside my room there is also a wall cabinet with several coat hangers accompanied by a pair of room slippers, a piece of laundry bag complete with a price list. At the bottom of the closet, there is also a deposit box for storing valuables.

In the bathroom, toiletries are available near the sink. Two towels rolled neatly. The toilet seat with its tissue roll and a towel mat on the floor. For bathing, in a glass booth, a shower is also available as well as shampoo and bath soap. Whether the type of shampoo is used, I like the aroma that is fragrant and fresh. However, I have to be more careful when stepping on the slippery floor, because the shampoo foam doesn't wash away so easily.

Hotel Grand Karlita is one of the modern hotels in Purwokerto which was built around 1996 with the name Hotel Karlita. This four star hotel is very well maintained and is still a place to stay for tourists and businessmen. One reason is the location of the hotel which is quite easy to reach from Purwokerto Station (4.2 km) which can be reached within 10 minutes of driving.

For a place to stay, other than the superior type room, the hotel also provides other room types such as standard and deluxe. The facilities of these three room types actually have quite a similarity to one another. From the three, the deluxe type provides a spacious living space as, other than a bed, it also provides a sofa in the room.

For families, the Grand Karlita Hotel provides Executive Suite room types. Already providing a large bed, the room is still spacious enough to add 5-6 extra beds on the floor. The bathroom is also more luxurious with a bathtub overlooking the window. If the window curtain is opened, you will see a view of Purwokerto city. Wow, imagine the pleasure of bathing in the evenings while looking at the sparkling lights of the city.

This is not the biggest type of room. There is still a President Suite, especially provided for VIP guests. This room has a living room, dining room, pantry, bathroom and toilet. The master bedroom has its own bathroom equipped with a bathtub, a shower in a glass cubicle, toilet, and dressing room. Side by side from the main bedroom there is an additional bedroom which is usually used for VIP guest aides. President Suit is similar to a home, if 20 participants of the Juguran Blogger are collected here, even with extra beds arranged on the floor, there would still be room to run around because due to the spaciousness provided for this room type.

With a four star, of course Hotel Grand Karlita has a swimming pool. One children's pool, one adult pool with a size that is not too large. Am I a great swimmer? Certainly not! I just like to soak and float around in the water for relaxation. In this hotel, the swimming pool is on the 3rd floor equipped with toilets and rinsing rooms. Several chairs and tables are available at the edge of the pool to relax.

But do you want to know what made me happy when I arrive at this hotel? Upon arrival there were two locally produced chocolate bars on the plate and a welcome sign signed by the General Manager of the Grand Karlita Hotel, Jungky Junanto. In addition, the atmosphere of a comfortable room makes you feel at home for a long time, sitting in a bed, clicking the remote changing television channels while sipping coffee. Oh, I'm also happy with the free wifi facility, and the power plugs everywhere. Then fall asleep, wake up already morning. █


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